
Mobile apps have changed our lifestyles, from the way we conduct our businesses, educate or create and even find fun! This has made the development of mobile apps to be one of the intriguing and interesting jobs in the world. Android is the undisputed top mobile player in the world with the largest market share. This market leadership implies good satisfaction and a high level of security for Android developers.Since Android applications are able to continue connecting people all over the globe and enable users to interact in more engaging and innovative ways A career in Android development has become ever satisfying, fulfilling and highly sought-after in the global economy. To become a successful Android designer, you need to acquire a variety of capabilities and apply them in the right time and location to provide the best experience to your users.

Here are 10 crucial abilities you require to be successful as developer for Android developer.

Android foundations

The most basic building block that is essential to Android development is programming languages. The most commonly used languages for creating Android apps can be found in Kotlin along with Java. You can choose to use either Kotlin or Java–or both simultaneously to develop apps. It is essential to be familiar with the core concepts of one or both of these languages, including basics and syntaxes, collection framework, concurrency and multithreading, generics and functional programming.

To create the layouts (user interface) for user interfaces in Android We use XML. Similar to HTML, XML is also a markup and is the acronym as eXtensible Markup Language. Following the creation of XML Layouts, they are linked to Kotlin/Java file where business logic is written.

For smooth XML layouts and to write business-related logic in an integrated environment, you can use a handy tool known as Android Studio. Android Studio uses Gradle, an advanced build toolkit to help you automate and manage the build process. To incorporate Gradle within Android Studio, you can use an application called The Android plug-in for Gradle. Before you get started it is important to know what Gradle can do and learn how you can make use of it for managing external dependencies.

Gradle and Android plugin run independently of Android Studio. This means that you are able to build your Android apps using Android Studio, the command line on your machine or even on machines which Android Studio is not installed (such as continuous integration servers). If you don’t have Android Studio, you can learn how to build and run the app using your command line.

Android interactivity

Interaction with users using Android apps should be considered with the utmost importance. Responding to events using callbacksand implementing appropriate gestures, such as dropping and drag, providing proper keyboards for user input and using pan and zoom in the proper place play essential roles in delivering the user with a seamless experience. These are nitty-gritty, however they are very helpful in increasing user interaction. Most importantly, the interaction with the user takes place within an Android component known as Activity.

An Activity is one, focused thing that the user is able to perform. The majority of Activities communicate with the user. Therefore, the Activity class takes care of creating a window for you where you can put your user interface.

The Android device is available with a variety of screen layouts. Screen orientation is just one of them. It is possible to choose either landscape or portrait. Each Activity can exist in either portrait or landscape mode. When the screen is rotated, the current activity is erased and rebuilt in a new orientation. Stability of the Activity must always be maintained even when the screen orientation alters.

Android UI

An application is insufficient without a modern user interface. It may include useful functions, but if the application does not adapt to the latest UI guidelines, then it will eventually fail.

Using RecyclerView to create lists and grids, using ConstraintLayout for designing intricate layouts, and incorporating animations to increase user experience, using appropriate menus, adhering to the guidelines for Material Design and using vector drawables instead of the raster graphics are just a few of the fundamental rules developers must adhere to in their applications.

While designing layouts one must not forget to consider the different screen types of devices. The same application should appear different on different devices. For instance, the display on a tablet should show dual-pane layouts that make use of a widescreen. For smartphones, the screen is recommended to use a single pane. This behavior can be achieved with the help of Fragments. Additionally, in some instances it is possible to tailor Views to your need. This can be achieved by designing custom components for your Views.

Implementing navigation

Navigation is the interaction that let users move between, within and out from the different pieces of content that you have in your app. There are various UI elements that allow users to use effective UI navigation.

The most basic one that is an app bar which is often referred to as Toolbar. In your Toolbar, you can add the pop-up menu, menu icons, and the addition of a navigation drawer. The icon for the navigation drawer allows you to move the drawer which is another element that can be used to create a more efficient navigation. The navigation drawer allows you to add additional menu items which can help you swap pieces of your current Activity , or carry out some other relevant actions.

Another element of navigation is A BottomNavigationView that allows you to switch between different Fragments in the same Activity by using tabs at in the lower part of the display. If you’re required to utilize tabs connected to the Toolbar and swipe between different pages (different pages) and pages, then ViewPager should be your preferred choice.

The intention of the user is the primary aspect of navigation. It is possible that a user wants to start a new Activity or go back on the last Activity or even transfer data to another application. These intentions can be achieved by using Intents within Android. If you know your target activity, use Explicit Intent instead of using Implicit Intents. You are always allowed to configure your intents.

The most important thing is that the The Navigation component of Android Jetpack helps to implement navigation, from simple button clicks to more complex patterns, like app bars as well as the navigation drawer. You may want to take an interest in this component before you start implementing navigation features in Android.

Android testing

Users interact with your app at a variety of levels such as pressing the Submit button to downloading data onto their devices. Accordingly, you should experiment with a variety of scenarios and interactions when you build your app. The most popular testing libraries include Expresso, Junit, Mockito, Robolectric and UI Automator.

Working with data

Data is an important part of any application and should not be overlooked. You may need to fetch information from the server, or query data from your local database, save user preferences and do data handling.

To use local database to store your data locally, you can use Room database that is part of Android Jetpack’s architecture component. It’s possible that you want to share your data outside your application in a secure manner with ContentProvider.

To save a small amount of data , such as key-value pair or typed objects, you can use Jetpack’s DataStore that makes use of coroutines made of Kotlin as well as Flow keep information.

If you’d like to tie your UI elements in your layouts to a data source in your application using a declarative format, use Data Binding Library.

To handle files in your application, make use of the huge APIs of the file system that are provided to you.

In addition, to access the information over the internet (i.e. when consuming REST APIs) Utilize the Retrofit 2 library, which is a gift to Jake Wharton to all Android developers.


Notifications are one of the best methods to increase user engagement. They are displayed outside of your app’s UI , providing users with reminders, notifications with other people, or any other important information about your app. Users can tap on the notification to open your app or make an action straight within the message. You can design notifications, alter the layout, add actions to it, and even group Multiple Notifications with Notification channels.

Firebase on Android

If you hate working as a backend developer, Firebase on Android is your best option. Firebase is an app for mobile that lets to quickly build high-quality apps and increase your user base and make more money. Firebase has a range of features to make the life of an Android developer simple.

To get your app listed for Google search results, you can make use of Firebase App Indexing API. You can use cloud storage, as well as the cloud’s firestore for storing data on your server. If you require the ability to automatically run backend code in response to events initiated by Firebase features or HTTPS requests, make use of Cloud Functions. The next option is Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) that lets you push notifications to your clients. Using FCM it is possible to notify the client application that a new data, such as emails, is available to sync. Utilize Firebase Crashlytics, which is an easy real-time crash reporting tool which helps you identify and address stability issues. If you’ve used deep links in your app, try Dynamic links. With Dynamic Links, your users have the best experience for the platform they visit your site.

It is worth taking an examination of bubiligi, See how your Android developer skills compare to other developers and which areas to concentrate on.

Android security

Android has built-in security features that significantly reduce the incidence and severity of security issues that affect applications. It is possible to protect your users’ privacy by utilizing permissions. Data sharing is secure when using signature-based permissions. Secure your data by using internal storage as well as external storage as ContentProviders with caution. As a rule, you should never export the Android component, for example, ContentProvider, Service or BroadcastReceiver except when you absolutely need to.

Android limits the capability of WebView to a minimum level of functionality in order to guard against web security problems such as Cross-Site Scripting (JavaScript injection). Still, you should be vigilant and limit the frequency of asking your user’s credentials. Instead, opt for an authorization token, and then renew it on a regular basis.

Git: Version control system

Git is free and open-source software used for controlling version. Git lets you test new features of the application and programming techniques without fear. You can develop new creative concepts for your project and the previous version remains secure and safe. In the event that you find the project is evolving in the wrong direction, you can return to the previous version in a matter of minutes and without any hassle.

As the world shifts ever closer to the mobile world, Android app developers can be sure to find an audience for their apps and also provide value to companies in need of developers for mobile apps.

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